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Your Act of Kindness!
Yesterday was Easter for those that observed the Holiday and my parents 62nd Wedding Anniversary that my siblings and I were able to wish them Happy Anniversary on a Zoom Conference call. My parents were thrilled and it was the first time that we have used Zoom for a family “get-together.”
This Forced Quarantine can be a challenge for families that are used to spending weekends and Holidays together. I have heard some families using Zoom to catch up as a group or play Bingo or Trivial Pursuit. It will be back to some time of normal soon but it is wonderful to have an App that works for everyone.
Taking a few minutes a day just to check in with people that are alone can be a Life Saver. I am divorced so not really in contact with my ex-husband’s family. However, I was compelled to reach out to my ex-Mother In Law the other night. I am glad that I did!
She confessed that she is lonely. There are only so many jigsaw puzzles and News programs to watch. She has been walking up to the grocery store but trying to limit her trips. I felt bad for her but also was glad that I did make the call. I stopped by her house (I stood on the front porch) with an Easter Lily on Saturday and I called her on Sunday to wish her Happy Easter. It was good to be in contact with her. It felt like a shift for me because I was only aware of myself through this Pandemic thing. I know of a woman dying in New York but it wasn’t from Covid-19! She had had complications from Terminal Cancer. The Media is also making sure to label ALL people that die as Covid-19! Pay attention people: fear mongering is the key to keeping this alive in the News!
I have felt bad for the lonely people through this but this was really the first time that I reached out. A good friend of mine said that she feels that the best thing to do right now is an Act of Kindness to someone daily.
I am grateful for being in contact with many people including my family and friends. It never hurts to volunteer your services (if healthy) to friends, family, or extended family to pick up groceries or prescriptions to drop off at their homes. Call upon those that you know are living alone.
Making someone’s day by giving them a call and letting them know that they are on your mind or volunteering to pick things up for them. This is not just old people that are lonely. We must sometimes reach out to start a conversation. We all have a phone these days so make the time to give your time to someone else.
Let your Act of Kindness during this time bring a change to someone’s world. We have all had days of sadness in the past. Now more than ever we are being called to be a Light to someone else.
Thank you for contacting Michelle The Intuitive Reader!
We will get back to you as soon as possible.
I was always fascinated by psychics and mediums however, when I was growing up I had some prophetic dreams. When I spoke about my dreams to my parents and what I saw, I was told that it was nonsense. So not necessarily encouraged to believe in psychics.
Michelle The Intuitive Reader